Have you Heard of Isometrics? Here’s Why you Want to Know More!

Have you Heard of Isometrics? Here’s Why you Want to Know More! | Todd J. Albert, MD | New York City | ManhattanPhysical fitness is an important topic that children and adults of all ages can benefit from knowing more about. Interest in staying fit has increased in recent years and, in a general sense, has been very beneficial. The problem is that the conversation around fitness tends to miss some key points. If you struggle with back pain or have an interest in guarding your spinal health as you age, these points are of the utmost importance.

Just as exercise can benefit the body, it can also lead to injury. It doesn’t have to be a traumatic and immediate injury, either. In many situations, we see patients whose spinal joints and structure have worn down over time due to a simple lack of knowledge. Here, we want to discuss a particular type of exercise, isometrics, and a few of its benefits.

What is isometric exercise?

The origins of the word isometric are “same” and “length.” So, an isometric exercise is more of a pose that is held for short periods of time. Isometrics can be ingrained into traditional strength training by holding the weight at a specific point for about 10 seconds. The practice of yoga is an excellent way to incorporate isometric exercise into your life. More than what it is, the question may be why would you want to engage in isometric exercise?

The very act of moving more reduces the risk of potentially serious health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. Isometrics offers this benefit and also:

  • Special equipment is not necessary for isometric training. You can do it whenever and wherever you are.
  • One of the reasons our patients may be interested in isometrics is that this particular type of exercise is kind to the spine. If you are recovering from an injury, isometrics can rehabilitate muscle groups that support the spine without too much pressure.
  • Natural blood pressure reduction. In one study cited by the Mayo Clinic, it was suggested that the low impact style of isometrics might lower blood pressure naturally. In contrast, high-impact exercise raised blood pressure for a short time.
  • Mood support. Isometrics aside, numerous studies support the theory that exercise provides substantial emotional benefit, including greater mental clarity and higher self-esteem.

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A primary goal of our medical practice is to help patients recover from spinal injuries and degeneration. To learn more about our surgical services, call 212-606-1004.

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